Professional Day 2024

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Monday, December 2

10:30am EST

Put Down the Red Pen: From Feedback to Feedforward
Monday December 2, 2024 10:30am - 11:15am EST
Ever found a scored test or paper in your classroom recycling bin? Moi aussi. What's the point of giving feedback if it's never used?! Increase the likelihood that learners will use your feedback to improve future performances by creating a feedback cycle. Save valuable time by adopting a single-point rubric that's easier to read and understand than a traditional rubric. Personalize feedback efficiently with "grow and glow" feedback. Give learners ownership and have them set goals that feed forward in an ongoing reflection cycle.
avatar for Rebecca Blouwolff

Rebecca Blouwolff

Middle School French Teacher
Proficiency! Standards-based grading! Thematic units! PBL! Social justice for Novices!
Monday December 2, 2024 10:30am - 11:15am EST
WMS Room 343

11:15am EST

Put Down the Red Pen: From Feedback to Feedforward
Monday December 2, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm EST
Ever found a scored test or paper in your classroom recycling bin? Moi aussi. What's the point of giving feedback if it's never used?! Increase the likelihood that learners will use your feedback to improve future performances by creating a feedback cycle. Save valuable time by adopting a single-point rubric that's easier to read and understand than a traditional rubric. Personalize feedback efficiently with "grow and glow" feedback. Give learners ownership and have them set goals that feed forward in an ongoing reflection cycle.
avatar for Rebecca Blouwolff

Rebecca Blouwolff

Middle School French Teacher
Proficiency! Standards-based grading! Thematic units! PBL! Social justice for Novices!
Monday December 2, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm EST
WMS Room 343
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