Professional Day 2024

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strong>WHS Room 317 [clear filter]
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Monday, December 2

8:30am EST

Understanding Racial Identity to Help Deepen Relationships With Students
Monday December 2, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am EST
Join us as we explore the compelling question of what is racial identity development and why does it matter? We'll explore supporting questions such as what is my identity? what is my racial identity? what are some factors that shape racial identity? what are the stages of racial identity, and why does it matter? how do BIPOC students experience racial trauma in PWI districts? what steps can educators take? how do intent and impact differ depending on the state of identity development a student is at and location/positionality/privilege?

Dori Pulizzi

PK-5 Department Head for Social Studies, Wellesley Public Schools
Monday December 2, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am EST
WHS Room 317

9:15am EST

Understanding Racial Identity to Help Deepen Relationships With Students
Monday December 2, 2024 9:15am - 10:00am EST
Join us as we explore the compelling question of what is racial identity development and why does it matter? We'll explore supporting questions such as what is my identity? what is my racial identity? what are some factors that shape racial identity? what are the stages of racial identity, and why does it matter? how do BIPOC students experience racial trauma in PWI districts? what steps can educators take? how do intent and impact differ depending on the state of identity development a student is at and location/positionality/privilege?

Dori Pulizzi

PK-5 Department Head for Social Studies, Wellesley Public Schools
Monday December 2, 2024 9:15am - 10:00am EST
WHS Room 317
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